Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Heart of Mine

Funny though..listening to this song, instead of thinking about the lost love or loves, my mind started to reminisce, which i think the best days of my life, the days living and being brought up by my grandma. Never ever i realized how much i missed her and how i wish she was still here..
"One day i may find true love that will last forever and ever..till then i'll spend a lifetime wishing us together.."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Have you got no shame, Sir?

It happened last Sunday when I was on my way to Mall Ambassador. I’d already bought my busway ticket and was waiting for the bus to come when suddenly I noticed there’s a car in the busway line right in front of the busway stop in which I sit. At first I thought the traffic light made them stop then I realized it was the busway crossbar. I guess they intentionally put it there to ‘catch’ the naughty drivers and it actually did! Haha..

Assuming that it would be opened right away, the driver just stood still and waited. 5 minutes has passed, there’s no sign of the crossbar would be open, the driver got out and with the face that could actually shooed the tigers away, he demanded to the officer in a loud voice that the door be open and said sorry as the last attribute which I don’t think he meant it anyway. I didn’t actually hear what they’re saying but later on when I asked the officer, he said that he told the man to just move the car to the side line, to which he was supposed to take, because the procedure has it that the crossbar is forbidden to be open manually. The man still demanded, in even more fiercefull voice, that the door be open and out of nowhere he said that he was a police officer! Huh!! I thought this is just ironic, he should be ashamed to the fact that he was a police officer and he actually broke the rule and again asked to bend procedure..if I were him I would definitely hide my being a law enforcement officer!

To make the situation worst, there’s another car joining the law breaker parade. But this one remained anonymous inside the car, perhaps waiting for this ‘police officer’ to free them from this embarrassing moment. Then everybody seems to be waiting! This is what I called The ego vs The law. In another situation perhaps I would cheer for The Law, but I need to get to Ambassador before it’s getting dark, plus there’re already 3 busways tailing the two culprits. I have to butt in! Representing the victims, in this case all the innocent passengers-to-be, I asked for the officer’s understanding. There’s no way we could expect the police culprit to move aside as his ego was mountain high. Then the next thing I saw the crossbar moved and freed everything that got stuck behind it. I jumped to the first busway that came near. While the bus was strolling away, I saw that police officer couldn’t just let this away. Again, he confronted the officers in the busway stop and tried to show them his i-am-a-police-so-i-can-do-whatever-with-the-law power. Have you got no shame, Sir!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Makhluk cowok versi Flo...

Ada buku baru in town! judulnya marriageable..dari judulnya aja udah menarik gini..topik yang rada2 sedikit sensi buat gw sekarang...hehehe...awalnya Bimo yang ngasih tau ke gw trus pas baca dikit kok kayaknya seru juga..akhirnya beli deh...nggak mahal juga cuma 35 rb..

Wah..bukunya rada-rada unik...dialog2nya gila abis trus mengalir dengan sangat smooth..so natural...nggak tau kalo Bimo, tapi gw baca sambil ketawa-ketawa sendiri..konyol banget deh..ada satu yang bikin gw ketawa abis, menurut si Flo *tokoh dibuku itu* cowok adalah makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang punya nafsu, rasa bosan, kebebasan, dan gila akan kecantikan yang melebihi dari cewek...hahaha..langsung inget Bimo...rasanya Bimo banget..*no offense ya Bro!* gw langsung sms bimo..wah dia ngamuk berat, palsu! katanya...hihihi...

kalo ceritanya sendiri sih rada nggak masuk akal...tapi kondisi yang digambarkan real, cukup tepat menggambarkan evolusiyag terjadi pada wanita jaman sekarang. Tapii..bisa dibilang sedikit mirip dengan yang gw rasakan juga..aww ngeri bo!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Impossible love..is it a bless or a test?

Wah..blog ini seperti rumah yang nggak berpenghuni..kasian banget..emang dasar pemiliknya nggak doyan nulis jadi gini deh...hehehe...
Beberapa hari yang lalu akhirnya gw memberanikan diri untuk menonton Brokeback Mountain..film yang penuh kontroversi..yang membuat rada gimana gitu kalo denger resensinya..film tentang gay bo! (kata pinto). Ternyata oh ternyata film itu emang bagus seperti sebagian orang yang ngasih kritik positif...Gw mesti angkat topi, tangan, jempol dll buat sutradara, aktor2 dan crewnya...filmnya beautifully made..cinematografinya top punya, ceritanya excellent, aktor2nya bener2 punya guts untuk memainkan peran mereka...sutradaranya bisa mengungkapkan bahwa cinta sejati pada kaum gay nggak beda dengan pada pasangan hetero lainnya...cinta itu real, pure dan universal...the movie really made me so emotionally touched...huhuhu...pada akhirnya gw merasa kasian pada mereka..so pure of love but really impossible..

Monday, May 29, 2006

mm..apa ya..

Wah..gara-gara temen2 pada buka blog, gw jadi pengen juga...padahal sih nggak doyan nulis..hehehe..pas tadi download data dari FTPnya Gita, kok lama banget yah, eh jadi iseng daftar deh....trus judulnya gaya banget deh..jadi malu ndiri..hehehe..